ZILRETTA is administered in a doctor’s office. This is typically done by a specialist, such as the ones below. 

It’s a single injection!

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Have Medicare Part B coverage? Good news! ZILRETTA is covered. 

The majority of private health insurance plans also cover ZILRETTA. Talk to your doctor to find out if ZILRETTA is covered for you.

Building a relationship with your doctor

Finding the relief you need begins with talking. Choose a doctor whom you trust, and then take an active role in your treatment. Describe the details of your osteoarthritis knee pain and condition. Talk about how it’s impacting your life. By being open and specific, you can help your doctor better understand what you need.

Need a little help during discussions with your doctor? Download this guide for a list of conversation pointers. Be an advocate for your health by having the conversation you want to have.

Download the Doctor Discussion Guide


Even though we may have similar symptoms, we’re all different. And there are different approaches to treating osteoarthritis knee pain. Don’t try to fix it on your own. You really have to see a doctor before the pain becomes unbearable.
– Stanley, diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee in 2010