First, let’s find a doctor
ZILRETTA is administered in a doctor’s office. This is typically done by a specialist, such as an orthopedic surgeon or a sports medicine physician.
Need help finding a specialist in your area?
Find a Doctor NowGetting ready for your appointment
Now that you’ve found a doctor who administers ZILRETTA, let’s prepare for success.

Tips to help you prepare:
Understand your insurance coverage – Talk to your doctor to see if ZILRETTA is covered. If you have Medicare Part B, ZILRETTA is covered. The majority of private health insurance plans also cover ZILRETTA.
Set personal goals – Before seeing a doctor, set short- and long-term goals for managing your osteoarthritis knee pain. These can help you both decide on a treatment approach that could help you reach your goals.
Be specific – When talking about personal goals, symptoms, or your experience with different treatment approaches, try to be as specific as possible.
Ask questions – Get details about the recommended treatment options, how they work, what to expect, what risks you may need to watch out for, and how long you may experience the positive effects of the treatment.
Pay attention for symptoms – Make sure to write down all of your symptoms. And think beyond pain—which activities are harder because of osteoarthritis knee pain?
Download and print out your Symptom Summary, fill it in, and then bring it to your appointment.
During your appointment
Don’t leave your appointment unsure about something. Ask questions. Your doctor will be happy you did.

Here's some tips:
Share – Always give specific examples of your condition to your doctor. Make sure to tell them how much it hurts and when.
And don't forget:
- Treatments you’ve already had
- Medications you’ve tried
- Physical therapy and exercises you’ve tried
- How well they worked (or didn’t)
- How long they lasted
Speak up – Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and ask about treatment options for osteoarthritis knee pain. If you didn’t understand something, ask your doctor to clarify. If you feel like you need more time, let your doctor know.
Listen with a pen – Take advantage of face-to-face time with your doctor—bring a list of questions to ask and take notes.
Get more insights:
What to expect afterward
You should be feeling the results of your injection soon, if not already. Enjoy this time, but don’t forget to keep an eye on your knee.

Some things you should know, now that you’ve had the Z:
- Call your doctor if you have a reaction at the injection site or experience any side effects
- Stay active. You can help control stiffness and pain if you keep your knee in motion
- Now that you’ve had your treatment, pay attention to how ZILRETTA works for you
Track your treatment
Help your doctor understand your overall ZILRETTA experience by keeping a log of:
- How much pain relief it provided
- How long the pain relief lasted
Download and print out these helpful tips:
Enter your location and see a list of providers who perform ZILRETTA treatments near you.
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