Learn about osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • It’s a chronic, degenerative disease, which means that it never goes away and gets worse over time
  • It’s not always the result of aging
  • It’s a serious disease that affects about 15 million adults in the U.S.
  • It’s one of the top causes of disability in older people
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You’re not alone

Think you’re the only one grinning and bearing osteoarthritis of the knee? Think again. It is the most common joint disease and it affects millions of Americans. Here’s a quick look at the facts and figures.

I suggest anyone diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee get information on what to expect both physically and mentally. You should talk to your doctor, and talk to other people who have lived through it.
– Bob, diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee in 2008

How does osteoarthritis of the knee happen?

Osteoarthritis of the knee isn’t just wear and tear. It’s a progressive disease that will get worse over time.

Take the quiz: How does osteoarthritis of the knee affect you?

Come prepared. To ensure you make the most of your time with your doctor, ask yourself some questions about your knee. Your pain may differ from others. Take this quiz and see the real-time answers of other people who have also taken this quiz. Be sure to share your results with your doctor.

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See how others are taking control of their osteoarthritis knee pain

5 Signs

It’s time to talk to your doctor

Talk to a doctor soon if:

  1. You are experiencing knee pain that troubles you, day or night
  2. Pain interferes with work, hobbies, or errands
  3. You are planning your life around your pain
  4. You are ready to try a new treatment option
  5. Pain limits your ability to exercise at the same intensity level as you were before


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